Health & Safety, Training, Employment
4098 Trainers
4024 Risk Assesment
Incident Investigations
Directors Good Governance
We write & install your
Health & Safety Systems
Site Specific Safety Plans
Traffic Management Plans
Safe Workplace Procedures
Toolboxes & Management Meetings
Unit Standard Training
Employment Agreements & Management
4024 Risk Assesments
Incident Investigations
Pre Qualifications
Online and offline systems
ARMS - astute risk management systems will establish and install a Health & Safety Risk Management System structured specifically for
your business/company.
- It will include all policies & procedures required under the HSWA 2015 ACT & current Regulations 2016+
- ARMS is a strongly structured Risk Management System; it is designed to fit into your individual business, so you control it & most importantly it grows with the input from your workers.
- This is a living System, it never expires.
- Astute Risk Management Systems take the ownership of poor practices, off the Owner/Managers and puts them onto the Worker/Contractor/Client/Customer responsible for their own actions.
- ARMS cover the obligations your Company/business needs –
- to comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015
- The new Act states Owners must Lead Health & Safety in your business by actively promoting & to be seen engaging with the workers. We supply these tools and teach you how to use them.
- We have developed a brilliant range of tools to achieve-
- • Worker/Contractor boundaries
- • Communication direct link from Workers to Owners and Visa/Versa
- • A more visual monitoring system with overall documentation of proof
- • More…
- We will teach you how to stop beating your Workers with the H&S stick and get workers to start hitting you with their H&S needs.
- This is the ARMS culture we install into your Workers and Contractors.